
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Digital content accessibility with sign language

Digital content has become an integral part of people’s daily lives, shaping the way they communicate, access information, and engage with the entire world. However, not everyone can fully benefit from these advancements, particularly individuals with hearing impairments. To address this issue, 将手语融入数字内容已成为促进包容性和改善数字无障碍的有力工具.

不可否认,可访问性是数字景观的一个基本方面, ensuring that technology is usable by people with disabilities as well. And when it comes to accessibility in every aspect, sign language integration in digital assets is one of the crucial factors.


sign language accessibility

Sign Language is a form of communication!

手语是聋人社区用于交流的视觉手势语言. It is a rich and expressive medium that relies on hand movements, facial expressions, and body language. 将手语整合到数字内容中,满足了依赖这种视觉语言进行有效沟通的个人的特定需求.

Advantages of Sign Language Integration in Digital Content!

  • Inclusive communication

    Sign language integration promotes inclusive communication, allowing deaf individuals to engage with digital content seamlessly. 它打破了沟通障碍,确保更广泛的受众可以获得信息.

  • Educational opportunities

    Digital educational content is a crucial aspect of modern learning. 将手语融入教材提供了平等的机会 access digital information to students 为听障人士提供更包容和公平的学习环境.

  • Employment opportunities

    The digital era has transformed the job market, and many employment opportunities are now found online. 在数字通信工具和工作平台中整合手语可提高听力损失患者的可及性, facilitating their participation in the workforce.

  • Legal compliance

    Many countries have recognized the importance of digital accessibility and have implemented regulations that mandate accessible digital content. 将手语整合到数字内容中,确保每个人都能访问内容, avoiding legal complications for organizations.

Types of Sign Languages!

有很多类型的手语,如美国手语,BSL(天秤座),LSF等等. 其中,美国手语(ASL)是世界上最常见的手语. 全球使用的手语超过300种,但没有一种通用语言可以让聋哑人更容易沟通.

  • ASL (American Sign Language)

    People suffering from hearing loss in the United States, English-speaking provinces of Canada, some parts of Southeast Asia, West Africa, and South America, use ASL to interact. 它最初是由托马斯·霍普金斯·加劳德特和劳伦特·克莱克创立的美国聋人学校使用的,它是从法国手语演变而来的.

    美国手语使用手势、面部表情和拼写来交流. 它与口语有着不同的语法结构和语言特性. 这种手语也有受当地俚语和发音影响的各种地区方言和变体.

    digital accessibility with sign language

  • Libras (BSL – Brazilian Sign Language)

    Libras is a visual gestural language, 哪些体现了不同的手势和表情,对有效的沟通很重要. 它最初是由聋人社区随着时间的推移发展起来的,它有自己的语法和句法. Libras is also not a universal sign language; it is used by some limited parts of the world including Brazil and Portugal.

  • French sign language (LSF)

    这种手语是法国和瑞士等法语国家部分地区的聋哑人使用的, Belgium, and Canada. LSF is a combination of iconic signs such as French-inspired signs, fingerspelling alphabet, and invented signs.


世界上还有许多其他的手语. 在没有通用手语的情况下,没有明确的指导方针可以遵守. However, utilizing technology effectively can work in favor of everyone.

brazilian sign language

Technology has a significant role to play in sign language inclusion!

  • Automatic sign language recognition (ASLR)

    This technology translates spoken or written words into sign language. 将ASLR集成到数字平台中可以自动化创建手语内容的过程, making it more efficient and widely accessible.

  • Interactive sign language apps

    开发互动式手语应用程序有助于学习和交流. 这些应用程序可以教授手语,并为用户提供在数字环境中表达自己的工具.

  • Video content



通过All in One辅助工具支持手语(由Skynet Technologies制作)!

Libras (Brazilian Portuguese only) is one of the core features of All in One Accessibility, which helps deaf individuals to understand digital content. 有一个明确的算法系统来检测和解释手语. 它在不同光照条件下的庞大手势数据集上进行了训练和测试. Thus, by detecting hand movements and body language, “All in One Accessibility”为听力残疾或无法理解书面内容的个人改善了数字空间的可访问性.

Wrapping up

To bridge the digital gap, sign language integration is crucial. 它使一些用户更容易进行数字交互,并促进数字空间的包容性. When an organization prioritizes accessibility, 它必须服务于数字内容应用无障碍包括的所有要求,如 sign language!

Create an accessible, inclusive, user-friendly, and barrier-free website for deaf or users with hearing impairment. At Skynet Technologies, we are providing complete digital accessibility solution including accessibility audit, remediation, document accessibility, training, ongoing monitoring, and support to make and improve website accessibility. We also offer AI-based “All in One Accessibility” tool, is a simple, quick, and cost-effective accessibility solution. Let's make your website or web app accessible for everyone, so that every user can engage in a seamless way. For more information, reach out us to [email protected].